Seafarer's Application Form, CV, Resume

Nigeria, Egbeda
Contacts are available for registered crewing agencies or shipowners only.
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Ordinary SeamanAble Seaman
14days since
last visit was
Additional information

Am ready to work with honesty with any company ready to sign contract with me becouse I have all my complete documentation that qualified me to work in the deck as an OS I have my medical, OTF EDH ISPS my sea passport SID all my documents are complete to work thanks
Passports, Certificates & Licenses
Basic Safety Training (VI/1.1-4)

Basic Safety Training (VI/1.1-4)

Basic Safety Training (VI/1.1-4)


Petroleum Training Institute,PTI,Effurun,Delta state.

BSc in Petrochemical Engineering
AB, OS, seamen, maritime, crew cv, application form, CVs, resumes, curiculum vitae, candidate, employee, international, merchant marines, deck ratings, deck officers, deep see navigator, mate, experience, rank, sailor, looking for a job