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About my last jobs. Garibov S.A
My first and second voyage was in posistion Deck cadet on the boards:"Atlantica HAV" and "HAV Marlin". How cadet,i am only work on the deck,with my crew and some times go up on the bridje and work with Cief Officer. What ia am doing on the bridje, it was chart correction and learn all navigational (marine) books and some times help to Chief.On the deck when we are dont staying in the port ,we are brouht the ship into proper condidtion, we are painted beaten and cleared the deck. In port we are carried a watch at the gangway only and with Chief watched the loading of the vessel after close the hatches and prepare to unmooring vessel and transition and so for three mounth.
Danica Hav its was my third board ,where i was in the position Ordinary seamen ,this voyage was simillar to the first two but addition to everything i independently opened the hathcovers and operated the deck crane.
About my fourth contract. It was my first experience on position Abalty seamen, our captain appointed me senior on deck.I had to direct all work on deck and so to engage in mooring operation on the bow ship, periodically heave up and drop the anchor, control the work of sailors.All time with Chief draw up an application for the ship,to calculate the expense paint with primer and tinner.Participated in the bunkering of the ship with fresh water and conducted water measurements on fresh water containers and after report to captain.
From 2015 i work in OOO Global-Flot LTD in the position 3rd and 2nd Mate. As the 2nd mate i answer for accounting and delivery of products on board, iam responsible for loading the veesel an after calculate stability so every time control draft. With Ch.Off was ansvered for crew training and onboard production control also for the loading and unloading radioactive sources on board, formalized the arrival and departure of the vessel,complied the neccesary documents to the authorities.Stood an independent navigational wath, was responible fo the GMDSS equipment,complied and sent daily SSD(summary).As well as a daily check of all breathing apparatus and rescue equipment.