Additional information
Good day.
My name is Dmitry. I'm from Ukraine, city Kherson.
I very glad to have the opportunity to present my resume to Your company.
I'm just starting my sea way, and have little experience, only two contracts on a general cargo vessel, but I am sure that with hard work and determination to learn seamanship further - I can be an excellent and experienced specialist.
If Your company will consider my resume, and would be interested in starting my professional experience, I would be very grateful to you, I will do my best for the success of the company.
I'm ready in case of Your positive decision to sign a contract with a duration of 8-9 months.
I ask to answer me, regardless of Your decision.
Thank you that You spent your personal time.
With best regards.
Dmytro Ahapiiev
my tel:. +380665331178,
my e-mail: ,
Additional civilian position:Foreman. Knowledge of other languages: English, Russian, Ukrainian, Polish. Lathe machine skills:Yes. Additional skills: Experience in marine vessels:12 months sea practice in the position of OS (Ordinary Seaman - seaman 2nd class) , keeping the navigational watch under the control of captain, performing General vessel works.
Professional skills: experience in the construction field with many materials and perform many types of construction works; experience with people; experience in sales, support, ability to work with documents; ownership of computer technology
Personal qualities: strictly observe the chain of command, communicative, peaceful, responsible, friendly, motivated, trainable, tactful, diplomatic. However, persistent and exacting control over the execution of tasks and management decisions.
Languages English self-learning-beginner-Satisfactory