Четвертый механик. Анкета моряка, резюме
Gromovoi Oleksandr Oleksandr
Украина, Измаил
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Fourth EngineerThird Engineer
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Additional information
Good afternoon Ladies and Gentlemen.
I would be very grateful if you would consider me personally as a candidate for the position of 4th engineer in your good company. I am an astute, highly motivated and safety-oriented.About myself:
I am really known what I am want and strictly follow my own targets, every time improve my personal skills. In short time, can familiar with any new equipment. Always keep in perfect condition all my documents and papers onboard. Strictly follow all company procedures. Like a team leader, I do not afraid of difficulties and can easy to find common language with different ethnic and religious groups. I can easily master the unfamiliar equipment, software and machines for get new experience. I also strive to improve skills using a variety of technical literature, programs and courses. I wish to place my experience at your disposal. I strongly believe that my knowledge and skills can quite beneficial to your company. I would be interested in meeting with you to discuss further the possibility of my joining to you and get to know your requirements and looking forward to hear from you soon.
Gromovoi Oleksandr 4th engineer E-mail engineergromovoi@gmail.com Tel +380939694036 +380677321416(WhatsApp,Viber,)
Паспорта, дипломы и сертификаты
On Advanced training for cargo operations on tankers oil tanker
On Advanced training for cargo operations on tankers chemical tanker
Advanced Fire Fighting (VI/3)
Engine Team and Resource Management
Medical First Aid (VI/4.1)
Proficiency in Survival Craft (VI/2)
Basic Safety Training (VI/1.1-4)
Security-related training and instruction for all seafarers
Odessa maritime college of fishing industry
Odessa National Maritime Academy
Опыт работы в море
m/t Nippon Princess
Columbia Shipmanagement Ukraine
m/t Stavanger TS
Columbia Shipmanagement Ukraine
m/t Sunrise
Columbia Shipmanagement Ukraine
m/t Proteas
Columbia Shipmanagement Ukraine
m/t Dimitris P
Columbia Shipmanagement Ukraine
m/t Eurovosion
Prescott Maritime Limited
Columbia Shipmanagement Ukraine
m/t Ajax
Gladiator shipping services
Columbia Shipmanagement Ukraine
Крюинговые агентства ( из опыта работы )
Ukraine, Odessa
анкеты моряков, резюме, application form, CV, палубная команда, плавсостав, экипаж, рядовой состав, офицеры, река море, штурман дальнего плавания, морской, торговый флот, офшор, список, ищу работу, вахтенный, класса