Seafarer's Application Form, CV, Resume

Rozhuk Sergiy Oleksandrovich

Ukraine, Kherson
32 years
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Fourth EngineerMotorman
1000-1500 $
Fluently English
10.12.2013 Readiness
more than month since
last visit was

Additional information

Rozhuk Sergiy 3, Shengeliya Street, apt. 294 Kherson, 73011, Ukraine Phone: +38 050 106 77 49 e-mail: Date of Birth: 09.03.1992 Marital Status: single OBJECTIVE Obtain the position of watch keeping engineer in the merchant and offshore marine industry EDUCATION 2007-2011 Kherson Maritime college (Engineering department)  2011-2013 Kherson Maritime Academy (Engineering department) EXPERIENCE 08.2010-02.2011   Denser Shipping Co. m/v Truskavec (Dry cargo)    position: Engine cadet duties: Kept watch with engineer, assists in the maintenance and repair of engine room equipment                                                                                                                               30.08.2012-09.04.2013   Orion Bulkers GmbH & Co.KG  m/v Courageous              (Bulk carrier)              position: Engine cadet                                                                                                                  duties: safety check in an engine room; cleaning of oil filters, air condition filters, ballast and bunkering operations, assists in maintenance and repair.  LANGUAGES English GOOD  reading, writing and speaking ability.  SKILLS Repairing and maintenance of mechanisms and systems. Basic computer knowledge.
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