Палубный кадет. Анкета моряка, резюме
Bilorukov Artem Andriovych
Украина, Херсон
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Additional information
Good Day. I am a 2nd year Deck Сadet of the Maritime Applied College of the Kherson State Maritime Academy. My date of birth is 21/10/2006. I have completed all certificate courses intended for cadets, but at your direction I am ready to receive additional certificates/documents. Average score at the maritime college (2nd year, 1st semester): 4.5 from 5 I am looking for my maritime practice on all vessells for the position of deck cadet. Thank you for your attention! My LinkedIn Profile:https://www.linkedin.com/in/artem-bilorukov-377621285
Паспорта, дипломы и сертификаты
Proficiency in Survival Craft (VI/2)
Basic Safety Training (VI/1.1-4)
Designated Security Duties
Maritime Applied College of Kherson State Maritime Academy
анкеты моряков, резюме, application form, CV, палубная команда, плавсостав, экипаж, рядовой состав, офицеры, река море, штурман дальнего плавания, морской, торговый флот, офшор, список, ищу работу, вахтенный, класса