Additional information
I am a Seaman with more than 40 years excellent sea experience with HL, MPP, Timber carrier, Bulker and General cargo vessels. I work as a Master for the last 15 years. Operational areas are Pacific, Indian and Atlantic Oceans, Persian, Mexican and Aden Gulfs, Nord and Baltic Sea, West Africa, Black and Marmara Sea. I was worked mainly at World Wide Areas.
I have all necessary certificates including additional ECDIS basic and Transas 4000 / 5000, SAM Electronics Track Pilot 1100, Danelec. My style is continue to be improved with any new experience. I am always trying to do my job with the way to get the best result.
I've been worked on the timber carrier with package timber carrying for 5 years.
Cargo operation with HL cargo, with max total weight to load by ship's cranes up to 400 Mts.
MPP vessels with different sizes and types. Any kind of General, Project Cargo, Windmill Hubs, Towers and Blades up to 62 mtr length. Any kind of Bulk and Grain cargoes.
My last 3 contracts I was worked on the Bulker Carriers. (Total more than 12 months)
Dry Dock experience: Singapore, Greece, Turkey, Poland, The Netherlands and Bulgaria.
Inspection : PSC and USCG (visit 15 of US states) inspections have been passed all over the world.
Ice navigation: Arctic Ocean; Norway, Barents, White and Baltic seas.
Languages: English FLUENT (speaking and writing)