
Gas technician

Вакансия размещена: 09.11.2015 09:45
6000 $ в месяц
Посадка на судно:
Продолжительность контракта:
4 months on/off
Тип судна:
LNG (Liquefied Natural Gas carrier)
Район плавания
Опыт работы в море
2 контракта и больше на судах такого же типа в должности
Вакансия размещена
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Описание вакансии
- 2 two employees with technical background and seagoing experience. (Gas technician’ i.e.)
- Non self-propelled LNG Container handling barge 
- 3-4 months contract on/off 
- Daylight operation only 
- Accommodation and Lodging ashore
- Bi-weekly scheduled LNG Gas refuelling offshore at the supply vessel in-between regular port and shore refuelling operation to tug boats and shore trucks. 
- Abilities to plan and carry out regular maintenance works on the Gas barge in line with the class requirements.
- Familiar with ex-proof equipment; Ballast water heeling system; SOLAS Firefighting and lifesaving Equipment systems; LNG cargo pumps; Power pack (86kW Caterpillar Engine & Alternator) Hydraulic mooring system; supporting/handling crane; Electronica monitoring and cargo scale and billing system.
- Seagoing experienced and seamanship skills required for mooring unmooring
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